Nicholas Wyman, Author of Job U and Co-Founder and CEO of the Institute for Workplace Skills and Innovation, presents to a group of front line managers in the automotive industry. His book ‘Job U’, published through Penguin Random House, guides people on how to find wealth and success by developing the skills companies actually need.
Nicholas also presents on the following topics through the Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau.
People Without Jobs and Jobs Without People: Bridging the Skills Gap
Geared toward industry, government, and education decision makers, this lecture looks at the issues behind the often quoted ‘skills gap’, or as Nicholas Wyman refers to it, the people without jobs and jobs without people gap. Wyman takes a macro-economic view at under-skilled workforces and shifting world economies.
Speaking to companies across all industries, Nicholas Wyman makes the case for investing in the existing workforce in order to close the skill gap and meet business goals more quickly and efficiently. Training existing and new employees on a progressive learning platform, referred to as ‘upskilling’, gives companies substantial advantages vis-à-vis their competitors.
Why Investing in Apprenticeships Makes Sense for the Economy and All of its Stakeholders
Every $1 that governments invest in apprenticeships generates $27 in economic growth. Combine that yield with the U.S. plan for a 4-year, $2 billion commitment to grow apprenticeships — and, as Nicholas Wyman points out, we have a real weapon in closing the skills gap that is curbing economic growth. In this dynamic and fact-filled lecture, Wyman helps companies map out clear skills growth plans for their organizations with a unique Mentored Apprenticeship Program.